
Allen O'Donoghue Motivation Interview Podcasts

Coaching specialist Allen O'Donoghue sits down with inspirational individuals to delve into what has motivated them to follow their heart.
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Allen O'Donoghue Motivation Interview Podcasts










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Nov 20, 2016

Allen of CA Coaching answers several listeners questions about a variety of parenting topics. In this podcast, Allen discusses how to talk to your kids about topics like sex and drugs, how to deal with nieces & nephews and social media concerns, teens spending all summer in the house using social media to stay in touch with friends, teens not wanting to do homework, and how to be a good role model to your children. 

Oct 24, 2016

Bullying is such a difficult topic for parents and kids alike. Many parents feel that they need to ‘sort out the bully’ or some even bury their head in the sand and hope the problem goes away. Much of this is due to parents not knowing how to deal with bullying, especially when your child is being accused of bullying.

Your child being bullied is one of the most worrying aspects of bringing up kids. It’s a very real issue and can be very difficult for parents to deal with. There are many possible forms of bullying and sometimes your children might not even be aware that they are being bullied.                                           

One of the best things you can do is work with you child to develop strategies for them to deal with the issue themselves. By empowering your kids to tackle the issue, you will be arming your child with invaluable skills, not only for life, but also for preventing them from being bullied in the future.

We’ve put together some of the most effective tips that you can give to your kids to help them deal with bullying in as positive way as possible:


  • Encourage your child to show confidence. Even if they are not confident on the inside, they can pretend. This is something you could role play with your child to let them see how it feels to portray confidence.
  • Don’t fight back/name call the bully, this might well have the opposite effect and put your child in even more danger.
  • Walk away but don’t run. Your child can just say “leave me alone” and walk away and find an adult. Don’t run as this may just encourage the bully to chase your child.
  • Let you child know that it’s very important that they tell you what’s happened. This can be difficult for your child, especially if they have been warned not to tell anyone.
  • Ask what they want to do about the situation and how they would like it handled. This will encourage them to think about how they have the ability to overcome the situation, but with your support.
  • Encourage your child to make friends. Children who have friends are less likely to be singled out by bullies. Introduce them to new activities where they can make new friends and build positive peer relationships.
  • Teach them what bullying actually is. Let them know the different types of bullying and not to accept it, even if it’s their friends who are bullying others.

These are just some tips that can discuss with your child. The big thing is to have the discussion, even if you don’t think it’s a major issue. If your child has awareness of what bullying is they will see it and with open communication will be more likely to speak to you about what might be going on for them.

 (Check out for more information and useful tips)

What if your child is the bully?

I think it is fair to say that parents worry about their child being bullied BUT when parents discover that their child is the “bully” they are often shocked and defensive.

So my first point here is to control your own reactions. If a parent, the school or a youth club contacts you to say that your child is bullying another child you need to stay calm and listen to what they have to say. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. You need to let them know that you are open to working with them to find a solution.

Take it seriously. You may not want to believe it. You may not want to believe that your child could behave in that way. But you need to deal with it.

Take a balanced approach. Sometimes parents will be embarrassed. Others might even be faintly proud that their child is a strong and dominant character. Both reactions are normal human reactions but either way, you still need to deal with this situation.

Listen to what is being said, gather the information and prepare yourself to talk to your child about it.

Talk to your child and be ready to listen.

Ask them about bullying, find out if they truly understand what they are doing:

  • Talk to them about what bullying is: being nasty, excluding others from games, laughing at people for being clever (or not clever) or for looking different, sharing negative messages on social media, not standing up for others, making others feel worthless.
  • Sometimes, by having this conversation you will discover that a child doesn’t understand what they are doing. But they will recognise their behaviour through the conversation and will be genuinely remorseful at the notion of hurting others.


The next step is to ask them about the incidents that were mentioned to you.


  • Again, you need to control your reactions. Don’t get angry. Don’t drag them down to the Garda Station to scare them. But you do need them to understand that this is serious. Remind them that you still love them but that you are going to work together to fix this.
  • Keep listening to them. If this behaviour is totally out of character you might find that they are doing it as a reaction to something that happened to them. Perhaps they experienced bullying in the past and this is their new defence mechanism.
  • Role play the situation with them as it might have happened in the past so that they act out the incident. Now that you understand the incident, reverse roles where your child is the victim of bullying. Talk to them about how it feels to have been on the receiving end. Then role play it with a different ending, without the negative behaviour and ask your child to explain how they might handle it differently in future.
  • Make it clear that you will be returning to talk to your child about this again to see how they are getting on and remind them that they can come and talk to you about it any time.
  • Don’t label your child a “bully”. This can have lifelong implications. Let them know that just because they have bullied in the past does not mean that they will be a bully forever and that they have the power to control how they behave.

Bullying is a worry for everyone and we need to take positive action for our kids whether they are being bullied or are the bully.

Sep 26, 2016

“I initially engaged with Allen because I wanted to take up a national role at work in and in order to so I had to go through an election process and make a speech which filled me with trepidation.  Through working with Allen I identified my own innate strengths which Allen encouraged me to bring to the fore. In hindsight the biggest thing that Allen’s coaching did for me was to develop a platform upon which I could build on the confidence and skills that were already there.  I would highly recommend for anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and reach their true potential.”


Allen, in a supportive and empathic way, challenged me to set goals. He used his skills in assisting me to break down these goals into steps so as I was able to achieve them while giving practical and insightful advice on how to take that all important first step towards my goals.


Allen is an inspirational and motivational coach who challenged me to realize I can reach my full potential in all areas of my life.


Allen’s approach is clear, practical and thorough, focusing on growth and development. He kept the sessions focused on all the important issues that we were working on yet was also flexible enough to adapt to the needs of the moment.


Thank You (4)

He has given me the successful tools to stay focused on my goals. I am clearly aware of where I am today, where I want to go and with the skills and tools I have learned from Allen what I need to do to get there. The main difference in my life is that I know how to manage it better and make the right choices to live a balance life. I feel more self aware, focused and in charge of my own life.


Since taking that first deep breath so to speak and getting out of my own way my stress level has dropped significantly and overall personal and professional life satisfaction has grown leaps and bounds. This would not have been achieved without the assistance from Allen.


While working with Allen I felt supported, encouraged and most of all listened to at all times. His way of working empathetic but in a gentle calm manner he still manages to challenge you to confront the problems you are facing. His skill appears to come naturally to him which I would have no hesitation in recommending him for coaching anyone who feels stuck in any area of their life or career.

Sep 24, 2016

Hey folks,

We are delighted to announce to launch of our new Introduction to Coaching 101 Course. 

This is a one day programme (or 3 x 2 hour online sessions) for people who are interested in learning some of the fundamentals of developing your own self (business/client) coaching strategies. Participants will explore belief and value systems and how they impact on our personal (professional/client) growth and development. We will also examine bringing clients through the key coaching questions and building in goal setting and overcoming potential blocks that may arise.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a designed relationship between the coach and the client, which focuses and enhances the professional, business and personal life balance of the client through a series of structured sessions. These sessions help the client to define clear and achievable goals in both their career and personal life.

The Coaching model takes into account the whole person, their system and their environment while being a measurable and practical process.

To register your interest please contact us at or call 086-8058404.

Sep 7, 2016

None of us want to ever be called a pushy parent, but how do you get the balance between actively encouraging your child to be the best they can be and pushing them to the point where they want to give up. By building resilience in our children, we are giving them a tremendous gift that will lead them through life.

In this article we will examine ways to get that balance in place. 


We hear the term thrown around a lot but what actually is a pushy parent?

•  I suppose the typical view of a pushy parent is the parent who stands on the side line at their kids sports match, shouting and roaring instructions. Then getting home and going over and over the things their child did wrong and how to fix them.

•  Another is the parent who has a racquet or club in their child’s hands or have them sitting at a piano from the moment they can move independently.

•  There can sometimes be a fine line between being supportive of your child and their interests and slipping into pushy parent mode. I am all for encouraging your children and helping them develop their skills and interests but when it moves into 2-3 hours of practise a day, at a very young age, their needs to be some balance brought to the situation.

•  This can be even more difficult if your child shows a higher skill level for a certain sport or activity and you as a parent can feel under pressure from coaches or teachers offering advice on how to get your child to the top.


Is it easy to get the balance between encouragement & pushing too hard?

•  The “simple” answer is “not all the time”! It can be difficult because parents feel that sometimes they need to encourage their children to go to activities that they may not be overly interested in at first, but then go on to love, once they begin to see their skill levels increase.

•  There is also the difficulty of giving your children too much control over what they do. By letting them drop out of everything because they “don’t want to do it” after only doing two lessons and then giving up, can lead your kids believing that they don’t have to commit to anything, or that maybe they’re not good at any activities as they haven’t had the chance to build a certain amount of skill for the activity.

•  It is important that your child needs enough time at a certain activity to see that they are improving. For some this will be rather quick, while for others it may take much longer. The important thing is to continue encouraging them.


What if your child is really gifted…what do you do then?

•  The most important element here is to support them and encourage them, without it becoming the complete focus of their lives. By this I mean, your child still needs to have that balance in their lives where they can do & experience other things that aren’t related to the area that they are excelling in.

•  Instead of pointing out faults and mistakes that your children make, ask them how they think they might improve their performance. You may be amazed at how much they know and understand themselves. If they are struggling, you can give them suggestions, but try and shape them in a positive learning way.

•  There is no guarantee of success. The reality is that your child may go on to become the next world superstar but the majority won’t. 1% of young people will make it to the top of their chosen field so maybe this shouldn’t be the complete focus of their childhood. We all know the stories of people like Tiger Woods or the Williams sisters in tennis, where they seemed to be bred to be the best, but there are as many Padraig Harrington’s who went onto be Major champions having started in their teens.

•  There have been many many junior champions or “would-be” world beaters, who packed it all in or decided they didn’t enjoy it anymore, because it stopped being fun. This can be very frustrating for parents who have invested lots of time and money in their child’s development and can cause issues within the family. Keep in mind, if your child ends up regretting dropping out, they have to live with that, not you.

•  It can be important to ask yourself, who is this for? Is it for your child or is it for yourself. Your child’s enjoyment needs to be the overriding reason for them taking part in an activity, and not focusing on having to be the best or worrying about becoming a professional.


Aug 31, 2016

Many adult children are still living, or have moved back, into the family home for many different reasons. For some people this can bring about a very different dynamic to the family set up, which can sometimes be the basis for conflict. We’ll delve into ways to manage this situation.

So why do adults stay living with or move back in with their parents?

  • Generally it usually comes down to money! Yes it’s not the only reason but in most cases it will be the main reason. People either don’t have the money to get their own place or have maybe lost their own place due to financial difficulties.
  • Other reasons might be for physical or emotional support due to different medical conditions.
  • Many full time adult students will live with their parents throughout their studies as their income potential is significantly decreased.

So where and how can issues come about?

  • For adults who have lived away from the family home for a good amount of time, moving home can be a necessary evil. When they move back into their parent’s house there can be a large number of issues that arise. Parents can sometimes slip back into “parenting” mode. This can be nice in the beginning, having meals cooked, washing done and so on, but this can quickly turn into a bone of contention when parents get upset because you’re not home on time for dinner, or came home late from a night out…or didn’t come home at all!
  • The flipside can also arise, where the adult child moves home and expects the parents to “look after” all the above. Some parents can feel like they have already done their job in raising their child and this can build resentment. Why should a parent have to wash an adult child’s dirty undies!!
  • If the child isn’t working or making any attempts to create employment opportunities for themselves, this can become frustrating for parents and trying to talk to their child about it can almost turn into the same experience as it was when they were 6 or 7 years old!
  • If a grandchild has come into the family home also this can be difficult as grandparents may feel that their child isn’t parenting “right” while the adult child can feel that they are being undermined by the grandparents.

None of these situations are easy to deal with so what can the parent do?

  • First things first, make sure there are clear lines of communication open, this includes you being open to hearing what your child is trying to tell you about their situation. Ultimately you both want the current situation to run as smoothly as possible for everyone in the home.
  • It might be worth creating a “family contract” of sorts. Not one that’s is overly restrictive or oppressive but one that is an agreement on who does what and when. So it could be as simple as agreeing with your adult child that they do their own laundry or that or will text them during the day if you are making dinner for everyone.
  • As it is your home, your standards of cleanliness need to be maintained so they need to clean up after themselves.
  • You need to also decide and agree if and how much they will contribute to the house financially.
  • If there is a grandchild in the house, you need to sit down with your child and ask them what the boundaries are for the grandchild. They need to lead this discussion and will need to be supported to maintain their boundaries for the child.
  • If you feel that they are not parenting properly in a certain area, approach this gently and subtly and never in front of the grandchild. They may ask you for some advice or support but always take their lead.

You can contact me at

Aug 24, 2016

It’s a time that both kids and parents look forward to and dread in equal measure. The summer has been a time of playing with friends, taking part in summer camps and having the normal routine relaxed…and in some cases completely thrown out the window. The summer can be stressful for parents trying to find things to do for their children.

With children starting back (or even just starting) at school, it can be a really good time for parents to take control and set a new routine and boundaries for their children.


Okay so what can parents of young children do to ease the transition into junior infants or back into school for those who may have completed a year of school already?

First things first, let your child, no matter what age they are, know that school is important. If you place importance on school, your child is more likely to pick that up.

There are a few different variables for kids starting school for the first time. If they have been in Montessori or crèche already, they will have been prepared quite well for this transition and may well be going to school with friends. For those that may be going to school straight from home having not had experience of being in large groups with other kids or the structure of school, here are a few tips:

  • Talk to them about what to expect from school. Explain to them how school works, what the teacher will do, what they might learn, how to make friends and so on.
  • Let them pick their school bag, pencil case and other necessities and try on their school uniform. This can ease transition.
  • If possible take them to school to have a look around. Most schools will have a day where new children can go in and have a look around and see their new classroom. This is really good at helping them feel less worried about going into a new building for the first time. Sometimes schools can be very large, intimidating buildings with lots of children running around.
  • Try and make sure you are there with them on their first day. Dropping them off is such a big event for all of you so go with them and talk them through the walk to the classroom or meeting point.
  • Hold it together! You may feel quite emotional yourself but try and keep it to yourself, when you get back into the car or home, you can blub away all you want. You child will be looking to you for strength.
  • Leave when you’re told to! The school staff are really skilled in dealing with upset children, they do it all the time. Your child may be upset and crying and calling for you but you need to leave them to it. They will settle down much quicker than if you keep hanging on.


After the summer and the boundaries relaxed, is it important to get a proper routine going for school?

  • Absolutely. It is really important for parents to set a new routine as quickly as possible. One that suits both you and your children. By that I mean, you know your kids best and if they are hyper in the evening time, try and get some energy burned up in the early evening and make sure they are having enough wind down time. Making sure they get enough sleep is one of the most important elements in how they get on in school.
  • No electronic devices in the bedroom. There is no need for them and there is a biological reason for this also. The light from tablets/tv/phones actually tells the brain that it is time to wake up so you probably find that your kids take extra time to drop off after watching or playing on a device. Tell them that all devices are to be left downstairs…they’ll probably fight you on it if they are used to it but persevere and they will come round. It may just be a battle of wills.
  • Make sure they are up on time and get a good breakfast into them before school. This might be as hard for you as it will be for them but the mornings need to be chaos free (as much as possible!!). You will set the tone in the morning and if you are up in enough time and calm, it can have a massive impact on how things will go with everyone else.
  • Set a homework time and stick to it. It can be good for kids to have a snack when they come home and then get straight into their homework. Explain to them that the earlier they get it done, the more free time they will have. No TV/playing/devices are to be turned on until home is done.
  • Make sure their uniform, books and everything they need for the following day is arranged the evening before. This will have with keeping the household calm in the morning. Sometimes a checklist stuck on the fridge that children need to tick off as they have done them, in preparation for the following day, can be a good way of both you and them keeping track…and reducing arguments.
  • Keep an eye on their diet. Make sure that they are getting proper nutrition and exercise. It is going to be very important that they get their down time as well. Make sure they get time for their friends and activities that they enjoy.


What advice would you give to those parents with children who are making the transition from primary to second level school?

  • Okay, sometimes this transition can be harder for parents than it can be for kids. By this I mean, realising that your children are going into a more adult environment and all that that brings with it. It can also be the beginning of your child really beginning to pull away from the family unit. This is natural and essential for your child to do, just tell yourself that you will be there when they need you when they inevitably mess up!
  • Before they begin, talk them through some of the changes that they will experience. Remember they have gone from being the biggest in their primary school to being the smallest kid on the block in their secondary school. This can be daunting so to help with this, talk to them about changing classrooms, dealing with different subjects and teachers and reassure them that they are ready for the change (even if you don’t think they are!).
  • Help them set up a practical, realistic plan for getting homework done. There will most likely be much more homework and this will be new to them. Before they get a chance to get overwhelmed by this, work out a structure together.
  • Many schools offer great support to new students coming into the school, whether that’s a mentor scheme or prefect and Year Head teachers. Advice your child to seek help if they need it.
  • They will most likely be getting a mobile phone at this stage (if they haven’t had one before). It will be important to talk to them about online safety and peer pressure. You don’t need to scare them but try and make sure that they know how to be safe and that they don’t ever have to do anything they don’t feel comfortable doing.


  • What if your child is the one who is getting in trouble in school? What can parents do then?
  • It’s what every parent dreads but it happens. Try not to lose your temper and fly off the handle. Find out what actually happened and co-operate with the school to see what the best solution is. Your child is actually less likely get in trouble in school if they know you are in contact with the school.
  • Talk to your child, find out if there is something going on which is causing them to act out like this. They may be feeling like they don’t understand what is going on, they may have an undiagnosed learning issue, and they might even just need glasses and have hid it from you! Then they may be having to deal with being bullied. Dig deeper and look for signs but recognise that something is going on and needs to change.


For more information contact Allen at

Jul 15, 2016

Allen of CA Coaching answers several listeners questions about a variety of parenting topics. In this podcast, Allen discusses teaching your kids about budgeting and saving money, how to handle an argumentative child, how to support and talk to your child when they or their friends are involved in petty crime, supporting your adult kids as parents, finding alternatives to hitting as punishment, and what to do when your child interrupts you while talking. Allen also gives advice on smartphones, your kids, and how to reconnect, the importance of making time for yourself and your interests as a single parent, and what to do when your teenager refuses to go back to school. 

Jul 15, 2016

In this podcast, Allen O’Donoghue answers listeners questions about parenting and discusses how to handle bullying in crèche or or pre-primary school aged kids, tips for helping to empower your child, build resilience and self-esteem, and teaching them about community and volunteering. Additionally, Allen talks about how to handle a fussy eater, offers suggestions on how to get your kids to eat fruits and vegetables, and the importance of getting your child involved in dinner preparation. The final topic discussed is how to handle disrespectful and/or argumentative behaviour in your teenager, ways to improve communication and discuss feelings, and the importance of boundaries and consequences. 

Jun 30, 2016

Allen of CA Coaching discusses how to handle financial pressures and various types of conflict and tension parents can feel at Christmastime.  In this podcast, Allen discusses budgeting and setting realistic expectations for the holidays, the importance of keeping debt in check, and gives advice on how to maintain your budget during the holiday season. Allen also talks about tensions that can arise between separated parents, how to handle conflict and make Christmas more enjoyable for your kids, the importance of seeing Christmas through your child’s eyes, how to handle family conflict on Christmas Day, and the importance of relaxing and being present to make Christmas pleasant and memorable for everyone. 

Jun 30, 2016
When it comes to encouraging our kids in sports or activities and driving them to be the best they can be, how much is too much? Keeping kids active is important but how do you strike the balance between sports and activities, playing with friends, and time to rest? In this podcast, Allen O’Donoghue discusses the pitfalls of pushy parenting and offers advice on how to introduce your kids to sports or activities while maintaining balance in their lives. Allen also discusses how to encourage your kids while keeping your own behavior in check on the sidelines, how to talk to your kids objectively about their performance, and how to handle conflict or disagreement with the coach and/or other players. Additionally, Allen discusses resilience, the ability to deal with setbacks, teaching kids to problem solve for themselves with your support, and how resilience breeds confidence. 
Jun 29, 2016

In this podcast, Allen O’Donoghue discusses kids going back to school. Allen talks about preparing your child for their first day of school, gives tips for successful drop off and pick up, discusses the importance of good nutrition, and gives advice on how to establish good routines both before and after school. Allen also discusses the transition to secondary school, how to communicate with your child, changes you can expect as they make the transition from oldest child in the school to the youngest, bullying, and the importance of establishing relationships and open lines of communication with teachers and principals. 

Jun 29, 2016

Allen O’Donoghue of CA Coaching discusses the importance of getting to know your kids’ friends, discusses tips to help you get to know your child’s friends, keeping an eye on your child’s behaviour and influence friends may have, the importance of teaching kids to respect themselves and others, and how to handle bullying or aggressive behaviour. Also addressed is what to do when you do not want your child to spend time with another child and how to talk to them about it. In this podcast, Allen also discusses what to do if your child gets in trouble with the law, consequences, the importance of supporting other children in the house and taking care of the entire family, and how parents can take an active role in helping their kids to turn things around for themselves. 

Jun 29, 2016
In this podcast, Allen of CA Coaching discusses what causes anxiety in children and how various aspects of life can trigger anxiety, including bullying, social media, family financial hardships, illness, or parental separation to name a few. Also discussed is how anxiety in school can be a factor in kids dropping out early and Allen offers a number of ways for parents to help empower their kids and control their anxiety. Additionally, Allen also offers advice on what to do if a child does leave school early, whether of their own accord or due to expulsion, how to offer them support while setting clear boundaries, and resources available to help both parents and kids. 
Jun 29, 2016

Christmas is an enjoyable but sometimes stressful time of year. Allen of CA Coaching talks about conflict during Christmastime and how to handle new relationships and your children. During this podcast, Allen gives tips on how to deal with tensions, when to make conflict resolution a top priority, taking time out and putting time aside for family, and the importance of seeing Christmas through your child’s eyes. Allen also discusses how to handle new relationships with your kids, including when and how you should introduce your children to your partner, how to handle discussing your new relationship with your old partner, what to do when preparing to move in together, and how family contracts and setting parameters help to pave a peaceful road for the future.  

Jun 22, 2016

Join Allen as he gives advice about talking to your kids about money. In this podcast, Allen discusses when to start talking to your kids about money, teaching kids about the value of money and importance of saving in a time of instant gratification, and when to introduce chores and pocket money. Allen also tackles when and how to discuss family financial hardships and setting realistic expectations when money is tight, handling peer pressure, financial pressures during the holiday season, and how to talk to your kids about having to scale back. 

Jun 22, 2016

Allen of CA Coaching discusses the importance of good nutrition and exercise. In this podcast, Allen gives parents advice on when to start getting your kids exercising and gives tips on how to make good nutrition and exercise part of your daily life. Allen also discusses the benefits of getting kids involved in sports, teaching kids to make good food choices early, reading and understanding food labels, getting your kids involved in cooking, and teaching them that treats can be separate from food. 

Jun 22, 2016

Allen O’Donoghue of CA Coaching discusses education and your child. In this podcast he provides tips on how to handle the first day of primary school, the transition to secondary school, exam years and preparation for exams, how to build a positive relationship with teachers and principals, and taking an active role in your child’s education. Additionally, Allen also discusses how to communicate with your child about school and gives advice on ways to help your child with homework.  

Jun 22, 2016

Allen O’Donoghue answers listeners questions on a variety of parenting topics, including finding common ground with your partner when parenting styles differ, setting boundaries to avoid shouting at your kids, handling bedtime struggles, and tips for communicating with kids when parents have separated. In this podcast, Allen also covers teaching your kids about self worth and being a good role model as a parent, how grandparents can help adult children as they become parents themselves, handling bed wetting, what to do when your teen wants to start dating, and teaching your kids about money and the value of money.  

Jun 20, 2016

Join Allen of CA Coaching as he discusses the topic of children and drugs. In this podcast, Allen discusses when to start talking to your kids about drugs, gives tips on how to talk to them about the facts and dangers of drugs,  the types of drugs that are the greatest risk, and what age kids might start doing drugs. Allen also discusses what to do if you find out your child is using drugs, how to talk to them, how to protect yourself and younger siblings, and available resources for help and guidance. 

Jun 20, 2016

Allen O’Donoghue gives advice on summer planning and keeping kids of all ages occupied during the summer holidays. This podcast covers camps, clubs, and various activities to keep kids busy and safe as well as the importance of playing outside and having downtime. Allen also discusses ways to keep secondary school age kids busy, getting your kids involved with volunteer work and giving back to the community, setting boundaries when kids go out with friends, talking to your children about safety concerns, and tips for handling the summer holiday when you are a working parent.  

Jun 20, 2016

In this podcast, Allen of CA Coaching covers how to support your child during exams and positively deal with exam stress. Allen discusses how to encourage and support your child without putting too much pressure on them, how to define a study plan for your child that eliminates distractions, provides adequate breaks, and helps prepare them in the best way possible. Additionally, Allen discusses the importance of proper nutrition and sleep, advice for the night before and the day of exams, as well as managing expectations, natural consequences, and how to handle when your child doesn’t want to study. 

Jun 20, 2016

Allen O’Donoghue reviews the three step approach to positively dealing with bullying, as well as how to work with your child to build up confidence and self esteem. Allen also discusses what to do when your child is acting as the bully, how to communicate with them about bullying, and teaching them respect for themselves and others.  Additional topics include how media, technology and social media have impacted bullying in recent years. 

Jun 15, 2016

In this podcast, Allen O’Donoghue of CA Coaching discusses how to teach your kids to safely use the Internet. Topics covered include when to allow your child to start using the Internet and what types of rules to put in place, the importance of parental controls, handling social media and cyberbullying,  communication with your teen and keeping them safe online, and how to talk to your child when they are visiting inappropriate sites. 

Jun 15, 2016

Allen O’Donoghue of CA Coaching tackles the topic of bullying. In this podcast, Allen discusses what constitutes bullying, the impacts bullying can have and changes in behavior to look for in your child, tips on how to talk to your child about bullying, how technology and social media impact bullying, developing listening skills as a parent, guidelines as to when parents should get involved, and how bullying can occur in the home. 

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